March 31st - April 4th

Thank you for your donations to our movie basket for the Silent Auction
during our festival in April.  Also thank you for the colored hair spray
for our grade level booth.  As a grade level, we still need more.  It is a very
popular booth.  We appreciate your support!

This week our students will take the STAAR Writing test Tuesday and
Wednesday.  Each testing day will consist of  revising and editing and a written
composition.  One day the students will write an expository, and the other
day a narrative composition.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's
sleep, and eats a good breakfast.  Each student has made progress in writing.  
On Monday, they will participate in writing centers to review and support their
learning.  These centers will also help in encouraging them to relax,  do their best,
and to support them as they demonstrate the progress made when they take their

Please make plans to attend our Spring Festival on April 12th.
Have a great week!

Becky Gloria

February 3rd - 7th

Let's hope the weather will allow us to have a full week of school this week.  
It was nice to finally let the kids go out for recess on Friday.  The enjoyed 
a few extra minutes that they well deserved.  This Tuesday, we hope you can join
us at McDonald's on the corner of Well's Branch and Mopac from 5:00 - 7:00 pm. 
The teacher's will be there to help serve you.  McDonald's will donate 20% of their 
profit that evening to our school.  The funds will be used to benefit our students.  
We hope to see you there!  On Thursday, Spring Photos will be taken.  Photo order 
forms were sent in Thursday's take home folder.  Please remember to sign the folder
every Thursday.  Your child will return it with your signature on Friday.   
Our Kiss - O - Grams fundraiser is approaching. We are still in need of volunteers 
to help during the lunch hours outside of the cafeteria.  The time will be from
10:30 - 12:45 daily from February 10 - 14th.  If you can help even 
an hour, we would truly appreciate it.  We also need bags of Hershey kisses,
without nuts.  We appreciate your support!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Have a terrific week!

Math - Measurement
Science - Water Cycle
Reading - Informational / Expository Text
Writing - Expository 
Social Studies - Texas Independence

January 20th - 24th

Tomorrow we begin another busy week!  This week we'll be continuing
to analyze folktales in reading.We will finish a narrative composition we
started on Friday by Wednesday in writing.  Friday we will write an on
demand composition.  Thursday we will travel to Georgetown for our field
trip to the Innerspace Caverns.  Class shirts will be distributed tomorrow.
Please have your child wear their  class T-shirt on THURSDAY.  We should
leave campus at 9:15 and leave the caverns at 12:15 p.m.  Once arriving at school,
we will enjoy lunch in our classroom.  We are still in need of volunteers and  bags
of hershey kisses without nuts for our Kiss-o-gram fundraiser.  I will send another
volunteer form this week in Thursday's take home folder.
We truly appreciate your support!

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Reading - Folktales
Writing - Narrative compositions
Math - Decimals
Science - Weather
Social Studies - The Battle of the Alamo

January 13th - 17th

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.  Our curriculum in reading
this past week was reading and analyzing folktale selections. We will continue to study
this genre for the next two weeks.  In writing we will spend the next two weeks writing
narrative compositions.

On January 23, we will go on a field trip to Innerspace Caverns in Georgetown.
If your child hasn't returned their permission slip, it is very important that it is returned
as soon as possible.  We are currently needing volunteers for our Kiss-o-gram fundraiser.
The volunteer and donation form was sent home today.  The funds will be used
to benefit our fourth graders this year in science, math and language arts and with field trips.

Thursday's take home folder will be black this semester and must be returned the next day
with your signature or initials.  It will include our new class management Citizenship calendar.  Students will accumulate positive points daily, and total them at the end of the week.
These points will be used to purchase various rewards and privileges for demonstrating
excellent citizenship.

Please continue to encourage your child to read daily.  Have a great week!

Reading - Folktales
Writing - Narrative compositions
Math - Decimals
Science - Weather
Social Studies - Alamo

December 16th - 20th

It amazes me our first semester will be over at the end of this week!
I'm proud of my students for working diligently and always being eager to learn.
On Friday at 1:45, please come join us at our "Winter Celebration."  Thank
you for sending the item your child volunteered to bring to help us have a
successful event.  This week our Holiday Shoppe will be open for the students to
purchase inexpensive gifts for their family and friends.  We will go to the library
on Tuesday. and Mrs, Sickert, our counselor will provide us with a guidance lesson
on Wednesday.  In Language Arts, we will be finishing our research projects and
presenting them to our peers.  Math lessons will continue in geometry and patterns
on Earth will be studied in Science.  During social studies, our students will continue to
learn about the early settlers in Texas.

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Have a wonderful and happy holiday!

December 2nd - 6th

Many wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!  Next wee, the first week
in December, we will have early release on Wednesday, December 4th at 12:45.
The next two weeks our students will be taking CBA assessments.  They will be
given in Math, Reading, Science and Writing. Two will be administered each week.
Check the newsletter sent home today for more information. In Language Arts,
we will continue to learn and work on our biography projects.  Each student
has selected an important person to research.  Friday, December 6th is PTA
movie night.
If additional information is needed or you have any concerns, please
contact me.  Enjoy your holidays and have a great week!

Reading - Biography Research
Writing - Research
Math - Fractions
Science - Soil, weathering
Social Studies - Explorers of Texas

November 18th - 22nd

This fall semester is going by very quickly!  The Thanksgiving holidays will be
November 27, 28, and 29th.  Our Thanksgiving lunch will be this Thursday
from 12:36 - 1:06.  I'm very proud of my students for an amazing poetry slam.
Their published poems and presentations were terrific!  The next few weeks
we will be studying literary nonfiction, conduct research about an
important person, and produce a product with the information learned.
Please remind your child to bring his/her reading log with your signature
every Monday, and one summary.  November's Book It free pizza coupon will
be given on December 2nd.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Have a terrific week!

Reading - Literary nonfiction
Writing - Research
Math - Fractions
Science - Composition of soil
Social Studies - Explorers in Texas
