during our festival in April. Also thank you for the colored hair spray
for our grade level booth. As a grade level, we still need more. It is a very
popular booth. We appreciate your support!
This week our students will take the STAAR Writing test Tuesday and
Wednesday. Each testing day will consist of revising and editing and a written
composition. One day the students will write an expository, and the other
day a narrative composition. Please make sure your child gets a good night's
sleep, and eats a good breakfast. Each student has made progress in writing.
On Monday, they will participate in writing centers to review and support their
learning. These centers will also help in encouraging them to relax, do their best,
and to support them as they demonstrate the progress made when they take their
Please make plans to attend our Spring Festival on April 12th.
Have a great week!
Becky Gloria